Winter Evergreen Tree School Trips
Blake's Orchard & Cider Mill
Offered Monday-Friday ● November 11th - December 20th
17985 Armada Center Road, Armada MI 48005
Join us for an exciting day at Blake's Evergreen Tree Farm! This hands-on adventure will take us into the wonderful world of evergreen trees. Children will learn about the different varieties of evergreens, exploring their unique shapes, colors, and characteristics.
Trip Includes:
- 1 free teacher per 20 students
- 1 free tote bag for booking leader
- Please bring sack lunches & drinks. A seating area will be provided for your group.
Gentle Reminders
- Minimum of 20 students to book
- Adult chaperones are required pay entry fee, same as child.
- Please follow signs for designated bus parking upon arrival
- Please have your final participant count 7 days prior to arrival
- Dress for the weather as this is an outdoor field trip. A heated seating area will be provided after the tour of the evergreen tree farm
- All payments are non-refundable. Payments can be transferred to another date due to inclement weather.
- Please complete payment in one lump sum 7 days prior to the event by phone OR in-person upon arrival. We accept all major credit cards & school district checks (personal checks not accepted).
- No individual payments please.
- Send a representative to check in while students unload.
- 1 adult/companion per 10 students is recommended
There are multiple Blake’s locations, your reservation will be at:
Blake’s Orchard & Cider Mill
17985 Armada Center Road, Armada, MI 48005
Questions? Please contact Piper at (248)952-7522 or [email protected]
Please be sure your bus driver and chaperones have the correct address & location.